Friday, March 28, 2008

He cares for you

"While we have no right to walk around smacking our gum, likewise, we should not worry either. John Piper writes, 'Anxiety shows that we are too close to the world and too far from God. So don’t be anxious—the world has nothing eternal to offer, and your loving heavenly Father knows your needs now and forever.' The way I faced my last birth was this: I clung to Jesus. When my strategy failed and I proved ill-suited to face it, I would tell Him all about it. Those were some long nights before the birth.

... We will always be tempted to worry. It is my choice to coddle my worries or to hand them over."

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I Peter 5:6-7

The quote above was taken from Amy's Humble Musings March 17, 2008 post. How timely these words of wisdom are for me. With my 6th baby coming in May, I have been full of fear. I was not fearful of my first birth at all (had no idea of what birth was like). My last two were home births. The first home birth, I was totally out of control and in a panic. Everything that I had prepared to do to help the pain went out the window. With the 2nd home birth, I felt I was wiser. I knew what I did wrong the first time and was prepared, mentally, the second time. Yes, I did manage the pain better and was in control of my panic, but the pain was the same or worse. With the 3rd home birth right around the corner, I have let the fear of what will ensue in a little more than a month take control of me. I need to rest in my God and his provision for me. James 1:3 tells us to count it all joy when we face our trials. It promises me that this trial will produce steadfastness in me. If my savior, the founder and perfecter of our faith, could endure the cross for the joy set before him (Heb 12:2), I can surely endure child birth. And more than that, I am to lean on Him who has endured pain.

With all this said, however, look at the blessings, in the picture above, that God has given me! I would go through it all again if I had to for those sweet babies of mine. A short time period of pain is worth it, in the end; when you hold that warm, soft, helpless babe who knows your voice and your feel right away.

In summary, Cast all your cares upon Him because HE CARES FOR YOU!


Unknown said...

It's good to know your heart. Love you, Mom

Krista said...

I will be praying for you over this next month as the Lord brings you to my mind. Knowing HOW to trust does not always mean that we DO trust, does it!?! But it is definitely a grace to have wise counsel and encouragement.

Holly said...

I'm praying that God will calm your fears and that you will cast your burdens upon Him. If there's anything I can do, let me know. Maybe I could help out with the kids sometime? My summer looks crazy with nursing school, but if I have a free moment, I'd love to help out!

Kathie said...

I will be praying for you. I understand fear. My fear isn't of childbirth but flying, which I will do in 9 days, though at the end of my flying I will be holding my Dawn's sweet babies :) One thing I have learned is don't fight the fear by trying to not be afraid, fight the fear by focusing on Jesus and His word. I save the song sheets we get in choir each Sunday and take them with me when I fly. Singing those songs help me focus where I need too.

Tracy said...

They are great little faces! I like that quote from Amy's blog too. It is interesting how we kind of forget exactally HOW painful it was. I think that happens on purpose. :)

Kim said...

I will be praying for as your time is coming soon...I didn't realize how soon it was until I talked with you last night! What a wonderful and exciting time...but I do understand the fear part...thankfully God will be right there through it all! Looking forward to another Bailey baby!

BusyMomOf4 said...

You are a strong woman Larhesa!! I will be praying for you over the next month. I can't wait to see pics of our new baby cousin. We will be thinking of you!

Mary, Jack & family :)